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PHP String Functions

Learn how to use PHP string functions with our simple guide. Understand strings, see examples, and learn how to calculate a 32-bit CRC.
Strings are groups of characters. For example, ‘L’ is a character, and ‘LearnTricking’ is a string.

PHP String Functions


These functions do not need any installation. They are part of PHP's core. Here is a list of PHP string functions.


This program shows how to calculate a 32-bit CRC for the string “Hello World” using the PHP function `crc32()`. It shows results with and without the `%u` format.

// PHP program illustrate the 
// crc32() function 
$str1 = crc32("Hello world."); 
// print without %u 
echo 'Without %u: '.$str1."\n"; 
// print with %u 
echo 'With %u: '; 
printf("%u\n", $str1); 


Without %u: 2335835140
With %u: 2335835140

This example helps you understand how the `crc32()` function works in PHP.

The complete list of String Functions are given below:

PHP String Functions Description
addcslashes() Add backslashes before some specified characters in a given string.
addslashes() Returns a string with backslashes in front of predefined characters.
bin2hex() The conversion is done byte-wise with the high-nibble first.
chop() Remove white spaces or any other specified characters from the end of a string.
chr() Convert a ASCII value to a character.
chunk_split() Split a string into smaller chunks of a specific length.
convert_uudecode() Decode a uuencoded string encoded using convert_uuencode() function.
convert_uuencode() Encodes a string using the uuencode algorithm.
count_chars() Perform several operations related to string like the number of an ASCII character occurs in a string.
crc32() This function can be used to validate data integrity.
crypt() Returns a hashed string using DES, Blowfish, or MD5 algorithms. (Deprecated, use password_hash instead)
password_hash() Returns the hashed string on success or FALSE.
echo Display the output of parameters that are passed to it.
explode() Explode() function splits a string based on a string delimiter
hex2bin() Decode a hexadecimally encoded binary string.
implode() Elements of an array. implode() is an alias for PHP join().
join() Join an array of elements that are separated by a string.
lcfirst() It takes a string as an argument and converts the first character to lowercase.
levenshtein() Calculate the levenshtein distance between two strings
ltrim() Removes whitespaces or other characters from the left side of a string.
md5_file() Generate the md5 hash value of a given file.
md5() This function can take up to a maximum of two parameters (string to hash and optional raw output).
metaphone() Calculate the metaphone key of a given string.
nl2br() Insert HTML break tags in the place of all new lines in a string.
number_format() Format a number with grouped thousands.
ord() Returns the ASCII value of the first character of a string
parse_str() Parses a query string into variables.
quoted_printable_decode() Decode a quoted printable string in PHP into an 8-bit string.
quoted_printable_encode() Convert an 8-bit string to a quoted printable string.
quotemeta() Accepts a string as an argument and returns a string with backslashes in front of characters that need to be escaped within a regular expression.
rtrim() Removes whitespaces or other characters (if specified) from the right side of a string.
sha1_file() Returns a string on success and returns FALSE otherwise.
sha1() This function can take up to a maximum of two parameters (string to hash and optional raw output).
similar_text() Returns the number of matching characters in the two strings.
soundex() Calculate the Soundex key of a given string.
str_pad() Pad a string to a given length.
str_repeat() Create a new string by repeating a given string fixed number of times.
str_replace() Replace all the occurrences of the search string or array of search strings with a replacement string or array of replacement strings.
str_rot13() Accepts a string and shifts every alphabet present in the string by 13 places in the alphabet.
str_shuffle() Randomly shuffle all the characters of a string passed to the function as a parameter.
str_split() Convert the given string into an array.
str_word_count() Perform several operations related to string like total number words in the string, positions of the words in the string etc.
strcasecmp() This is used to compare two given strings in a case-insensitive manner.
strchr() Search for the first occurrence of a given string within another string.
strcmp() It is used to compare two strings.
strcoll() It is used to compare two strings based on their locale.
strcspn() Returns the length of the initial segment of a string consisting exclusively of characters not contained in a given string.
strip_tags() This is used to strips a string from HTML, and PHP tags.
stripos() Find the position of the first occurrence of a string within another string in a case-insensitive manner.
stripslashes() Removes backslashes from a string.
stristr() It searches for the first occurrence of a string inside another string in a case-insensitive manner and displays the portion from the occurrence till the end of the string.
strlen() It takes a string as a parameter and returns its length.
strnatcasecmp() This function is similar to strnatcmp() only difference being the case-insensitivity.
strnatcmp() Return a positive integer, negative, or zero depending on the result of the comparison.
strncasecmp() Compare two given strings up to a specified number of characters. The comparison is case-insensitive.
strncmp() Compare the first n characters of two strings.
strpbrk() Searches a string for any of the specified characters and returns the part of the string from the beginning to the first occurrence of any character in the search string.
strpos() Find the position of the first occurrence of a string within another string.
strrchr() This function takes two arguments a string and a character. It returns the last occurrence of the character in the string.
strrev() It is used to reverse a string.
strripos() Find the position of the last occurrence of a string within another string in a case-insensitive manner.
strrpos() Find the position of the last occurrence of a string within another string.
strspn() Finds the length of the initial segment of a string consisting exclusively of characters contained in a given string.
strstr() It searches for the first occurrence of a string inside another string and displays the portion from the occurrence till the end of the string.
strtok() Tokenize a string into smaller parts on the basis of given delimiters.
strtolower() Convert a string into lowercase.
strupper() Convert a string into uppercase.
strtr() Replace a set of characters in a string with another set.
substr_compare() Compare two strings from a specified starting position up to a specified length.
substr_count() Count the number of times a substring occurs in a given string.
substr_replace() Replace a part of a string with another string.
substr() That is used to extract a part of a string.
trim() Removes whitespaces and also the predefined characters from both sides of a string.
ucfirst() Takes a string as an argument and returns the string with the first character converted to uppercase.
ucwords() Convert the first character of every word in a string to upper-case.
vprintf() Display array values as a formatted string using a specified format string and arguments.
vsprintf() Return a formatted string using a specified format string and arguments.
wordwrap() Wraps a given string to a given number of characters using a string break character.

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