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PHP IntlChar Functions

The `IntlChar()` functions give you access to useful methods for getting information about Unicode characters. These methods and constants are …

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PHP Calendar Functions

The calendar extension has functions to change calendar dates into different formats. The standard date is based on the Julian Day Count, which …

PHP GMP Functions

The GMP function in PHP lets you work with very large numbers to do math operations. This function takes a GMP number as an input. He…

PHP Math Functions

PHP has built-in math functions to perform math operations on integers and floats. These functions are part of PHP's core, so no installatio…

PHP String Functions

Strings are groups of characters. For example, ‘L’ is a character, and ‘LearnTricking’ is a string. Installation These functions do not ne…

PHP Array Functions

PHP arrays are a way to store multiple items of the same type in one variable. They are useful for making a list of similar items. You can acces…

How to Embed YouTube Playlists in Blogger and WordPress Blogs

YouTube is a great tool for bloggers to create interesting content for their readers. With millions of videos on every topic, you can easily fin…
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