This ethical hacking guide explains both basic and advanced ethical hacking
concepts. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned cybersecurity expert, this
guide is a great resource to learn how to fix vulnerabilities and weaknesses
in your systems before attackers can exploit them. From an understanding of
the basics of hacking to advanced ethical hacking techniques including
fingerprinting, reconnaissance, network analysis, enumeration, and more.
This ethical hacking tutorial covers everything you need to know to become a
proficient ethical hacker and teaches you how to use your skills to find and
fix vulnerabilities in your system before they can be exploited by malicious
hackers. Masu. let's start.
What is Ethical Hacking?
Ethical hacking, also known as "white hat hacking," "penetration testing,"
or simply "ethical hacking," plays a vital role in maintaining the security
and integrity of computer systems and networks. It involves the
cybersecurity technique of using hacking tools and techniques to identify
vulnerabilities and weaknesses in computer systems and networks with the
primary objective of preventing unauthorized access to systems and sensitive
data, protecting against cyber attacks, and ensuring the security of
organizational assets.
Ethical Hacking Tutorial: Beginners to Advanced
Introduction to Ethical Hacking
Foot Printing and Reconnaissance
Scanning Networks
What is TCP scanning?
What is FIN scanning?
What is SYN scanning?
What is UDP scanning?
What is TCP Window Scan?
What is IPv6 Scanning
What is Enumeration
What is DNS Enumeration?
What is SMTP enumeration?
What is LDAP Enumeration?
What is NTP Enumeration?
IPsec Enumeration
What is RPC Enumeration?
What is SMB Enumeration?
What is NetBIOS Enumeration?
What is SNMP Enumeration?
What is Security Testing in Enumeration?
System Hacking
What is system hacking?
Windows hacking
What is the importance of physical security in system hacking?
What is a non-electronic password attack on a system?
What is a password-guessing attack?
What is credential stuffing in system hacking?
What is a reverse brute force attack in system hacking?
How to prevent brute force attacks on any system?
How to Protect Your WordPress Site from Brute Force Attacks?
What is the default password attack threat?
What is a USB drop attack in system hacking?
What is a sniffing attack on system hacking?
How to prevent a man-in-the-middle attack?
How to Generate Rainbow Table Using WinRTGen?
What is Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery?
What are NTLM Relay Attacks in system hacking?
What is pwdump7?
What is fgdump?
Steps of Password Auditing with the L0phtcrack 7 tool
How to Use Ophcrack for Windows Password Recovery?
What is Salted Password Hashing?
How to Crack WPA/WPA2 using Aircrack-Ng?
How to defend against Password Cracking of systems?
What is Wi-Fi Pineapple and How do you defend against it?
How to keep your computer secure at home?
What is DLL Hijacking?
How to Prevent Privilege Escalation?
Malware Analysis
The most popular methods used by hackers to spread ransomware
What is Malvertising?
How to find Trojans on computers?
What is a Malicious code?
What is a WannaCry ransomware attack?
What is a Stuxnet ransomware attack?
What is a CryptoLocker ransomware attack?
What is Storm Worm?
Some Details about Zeus (malware)
What is Mydoom malware?
What is SQL Slammer Virus?
How to install a Trojan virus on any computer?
Different Ways to Remove Trojan Horse Malware
Different Types of Botnet Attacks
What is Proxy Trojan?
What Are Banking Trojans?
Symptoms and Effects of Computer Viruses
What is a virus hoax?
What is a computer worm?
What is the port scanning attack?
Monitoring of Suspicious Network Activity
What is a system integrity check?
What is the Code Emulation Technique for Computer Virus Detection?
What Is a Heuristic Virus and How to Remove It?
What Is a Backdoor & How to Prevent Backdoor Attacks?
What Are Active Sniffing Attacks?
What is a Protocol analyzer?
What is PRISM (surveillance program)?
What is a MAC Spoofing Attack?
What is MAC Flooding? How to prevent it?
What is Port Stealing?
methods of DHCP Request/Reply Messages
What is a DHCP Starvation Attack?
What is Rogue DHCP Server Attack?
What Is ARP Spoofing Attack?
How to Prevent DNS Poisoning and DNS Spoofing
What is DNS cache poisoning?
How to Detect Sniffer in Your Network?
Mitigation of DHCP starvation attack.
Social Engineering
Types of Social Engineering Attacks
What are Malicious Apps?
What is an insider attack?
Insider Threat Prevention Best Practices
What is an Impersonation Attack?
What are
ntimidation threats and attacks?
What is Tailgating?
How Hackers Use Social Engineering to Get Passwords on Facebook
Different Ways Social Media Impacts Your Risk Profile
What is Pretexting
What is credit card fraud?
What are Social Engineering Countermeasures?
How to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft?
Penetration Testing
What is Active Social Engineering Defense (ASED)
What are the Most Common Types of DDoS Attacks?
What are Bandwidth Attacks?
What is an HTTP flood attack?
What is an SYN flood attack?
What is an ICMP Flood DDoS Attack?
What is a ping flood attack?
What is a Permanent DoS (PDoS) Attack?
What is phishing?
Sabotage Attack Detection for Additive Manufacturing Systems
What is Bricking a System?
What are Application layer attacks?
What is the Distributed Reflection Denial of Service?
some DDoS Attack Tools
What is Attack Mitigation?
What is the TCP intercept feature?
What is ingress filtering?
What is egress filtering?
Explain throttling DDoS attacks using a discrete logarithm problem
How to Defend Against Botnets?
What is black hole filtering?
Session Hijacking
What is TCP/IP Hijacking?
What is UDP hijacking?
What are the Types of Session Hijacking?
What is different between Spoofing and hijacking?
What is Application Level Hijacking using proxy hacking?
What is a Man-in-the-browser attack?
What is DOM-based cookie manipulation?
What Are Session Replay Attacks?
What is Cookie Hijacking? (And How to Prevent It)
What is a Session Prediction software attack?
What is Qrljacking software attack in session hijacking?
What is a Session fixation software attack in session hijacking?
Types of client-side attacks
What is the Difference Between XSS and SQL Injection
What is a TCP SYN Flood attack?
How To Prevent A SYN Flood Attack
AH and ESP protocols in IPsec
Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots
How to Bypass Firewalls Using SSH?
What is Bitvise SSH Client?
What Is a Port Scan? How to Prevent Port Scan Attacks?
What is the Source Port Randomization for Caching DNS?
Types of Evasion Techniques for IDS
Hacking Web Servers
What is a web threat shield?
What-is-web-reputation ?
What is recursive DNS?
What is Path Transversal Attack?
What is Server Misconfiguration?
What is Web cache poisoning?
What is an SSH Brute force attack?
How to Hack a Web Server?
Testing for IMAP SMTP Injection on any web server
What is a Web Parameter Tampering attack on web servers?
How to Crack Online Web Form Passwords
How to crack FTP passwords?
What is an input validation attack?
What is Website Footprinting?
Methods of information gathering using robots.txt
What Is a Credential Harvester Attack?
What is the Script http-userdir-enumeration method?
List of Metasploit Windows Exploits
Relevance of NOPs in Metasploit
Ways to Protect Your Web Servers
What is Code Access Security?
What is HTTP Response Splitting?
What is Patch Management?
How to install patches of Red Hat Linux manually?
Hacking Web Applications
What Is Cookie Poisoning?
What are injection flaws?
What is Broken Access Control?
What is Improper Error Handling?
What is Log tampering?
What is a security misconfiguration?
What is Insecure Cryptographic Storage vulnerability?
What are Web Services Attacks?
What is Insufficient Transport Layer Protection?
What is a Protocol DDoS Attack?
What is Failure to Restrict URL Access?
What is a session fixation attack?
What is malicious file execution?
What is CSV Injection?
Converting a CVE list to Patch vulnerabilities
What is Arbitrary code execution?
What is Malicious Script?
What are user privileges in ethical hacking?
What is the CAPTCHA attack?
What is Banner Grabbing?
How to Find Which WAF is Protecting a Website
What is User Directed Spidering with Burp?
What is Attack Surface?
What is an Authentication Attack?
What Is User Enumeration?
What is SMTP header injection?
What is a Canonicalization attack?
How a connection string injection attack is performed?
What is Connection String Parameter Pollution?
What is a Pass-the-Hash (PTH) Attack?
What is a WSDL attack?
How to Protect Against SQL Injection Attacks
SQL Injection
What are the Types of SQL Injection (SQLi)?
Explain Error-Based SQL Injections
What is SQL injection UNION attacks
Hacking Wireless Networks
What is orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)?
What is the Direct-sequence spread spectrum in Wireless Networks?
What is the Frequency-hopping spread spectrum in Wireless Networks?
What is War chalking in Wireless Networks?
Different types of Wi-Fi Antenna in Wireless Networks?
Different kinds of Wireless Security Encryption
What is the Simple WEP Crack method in Wireless Networks?
How to Hack Bluetooth Devices?
What is Blue Smack Attack in Wireless Networks?
What is a Blue snarfing attack in Wireless Networks?
What is Blue Bugging in Wireless Networks?
Cloud Computing
What is Net-Centric Computing in cloud computing?
Cloud Vulnerabilities in cloud computing
What is Packet Switched Network (PSN) in cloud computing?
What is a parallel file system in cloud computing?
How to Install AWS CLI – Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)
How to authorize inbound traffic for your Linux instances?
How do multiple IP addresses work in ethical hacking?
What does the Heart bleed Bug in ethical hacking?
What is the One-Way Hash Function in ethical hacking?
What is Email Security in ethical hacking?
What is a Hybrid cryptosystem in ethical hacking?
Why is Ethical Hacking Important & Job Roles for Ethical Hackers?
Data is now the most valuable asset for any business. Maintaining data
privacy and integrity from malicious attacks requires ethical practices that
help organizations identify and mitigate potential security risks, prevent
cyberattacks, and improve overall security. Hacking is important. Ethical
hackers play a critical role in this process by identifying vulnerabilities,
performing penetration tests, and recommending solutions that improve
Roles of Ethical Hackers:-
- Identify vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, and software applications.
- Simulate cyber attacks to identify weaknesses in control and security systems.
- Ethical hackers keep records of their findings, provide recommendations, and improve overall security.
- Ethic Hacker helps organizations implement security policies and procedures to improve overall security.
- Ethical hackers also provide security training to other employees.
What are Security Threats and their types?
Activities that have the potential to harm systems and compromise
organizational security.
Types of Security Threats:-
There are mainly two types of Security Threats:-
1. physical threat. Physical threats are threats that involve physical access
to an organization's assets.
- For example, material fires, food defects, internal dysfunction, etc.
- For example, external. floods, fires, earthquakes, etc.
- Human acts such as vandalism, arson, negligence, etc.
- Malware
- Phishing
- Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
- Insider threats
- Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)
- Zero-day attacks
- Man-in-the-middle attacks
- Password attacks
Advantages of Ethical Hacking
Here are various advantages of hacking:-
- Used to test the security quality of the network.
- It is used to recover lost information, especially if you have lost your password.
- This is used to perform an invasion test to increase computer security and network.
Ethical Hacking Tutorial: FAQs
What is Ethical Hacking?
Ethical hacking, also known as “White Hat” hacking, is the practice of using computer skills to test and secure computer systems and networks. Ethical hackers use their skills to find and fix vulnerabilities and weaknesses in systems before they can be exploited by malicious hackers, also known as “black hat” hackers.
Q2. Is an Ethical hacking course tough?
Ethical Hacking requires a high level of knowledge of operating systems, computer networking, and any programming language. Ethical hacking is not difficult to learn but requires great computer skills.
Q3. What is the Ethical Hacking certification cost?
For taking CEH v12 exam in India, you need to pay around ₹45543 approx.
Q4. What is the salary of an ethical hacker?
The average salary for an Ethical Hacker in India is ₹51,251 approx