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PHP Array Functions

Learn about PHP arrays with the complete list of Array Functions. Easy PHP array tutorial included.
PHP arrays are a way to store multiple items of the same type in one variable. They are useful for making a list of similar items. You can access items in an array using their index number or key. PHP has many built-in functions to work with and change array items. These functions work with both single and multi-dimensional arrays.

PHP Array Functions

Installation: You do not need to install anything extra to use array functions. They are included in PHP by default.

Example: Here is a PHP program that sorts an array in ascending order using the `sort()` function and then prints the sorted array.

// Create an array object 
$arr = array(1, 4, 3, 2, 6); 
// Sort function to sort 
// array elements  
// Prints the sorted array  


    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [3] => 4
    [4] => 6

The complete list of Array Functions are given below:

PHP Array Functions Description
array_chunk() Split an array into parts or chunks of a given size.
array_combine() Create a new array by using one array for keys and another array for values.
array_count_values() Count all the values inside an array.
array_diff_assoc() Get the difference between one or more arrays. (Compares keys and values)
array_diff_keys() Get the difference between one or more arrays. (Compares keys only)
array_diff_uassoc() Compare the keys and values of the user-defined function.
array_diff_ukey() Compares the key to two or more arrays (Uses a user-defined key comparison function).
array_diff() Calculate the difference between two or more arrays. (Compares values only)
array_fill_keys() Create a new array filled with the given keys and value provided as an array to the function.
array_fill() Fill an array with values.
array_filter() Filter the elements of an array using a user-defined function.
array_flip() Exchange elements within an array (Swaps keys and values).
array_intersect_assoc() Compute the intersection of two or more arrays. (Compares keys and values)
array_intersect_key() Compute the intersection of two or more arrays. (Compares keys only)
array_intersect_uassoc() Compare key and values of two or more arrays (Uses a user-defined comparison function).
array_intersect() Compare the values of two or more arrays and returns the matches.
array_key_exists() Check whether a specific key or index is present inside an array or not.
array_keys() Return either all the keys of an array or the subset of the keys.
array_merge_recursive() Merge two or more arrays into a single array recursively.
array_multisort() Sort multiple arrays at once or a multi-dimensional array with each individual dimension.
array_pad() Pad a value fixed number of time onto an array.
array_pop() Delete or pop out and return the last element from an array passed to it as a parameter.
array_product() The products of all the elements in an array.
array_push() Push new elements into an array.
array_rand() Fetch a random number of elements from an array.
array_reduce() Reduce the elements of an array into a single value
array_replace_recursive() Replaces the values of the first array with the values of the following arrays. (Recursive)
array_replace() Replaces the values of the first array with the values of the following arrays.
array_reverse() Reverse the elements of an array including the nested arrays.
array_search() Search for a particular value in an array and return the key if found.
array_shift() Shifts an element off from the beginning in an array and returns the shifted value.
array_slice() Fetch a part of an array by slicing through it, according to the users choice.
array_splice() Replaces the existing element with elements from other arrays and returns an array.
array_sum() It takes an array parameter and returns the sum of all the values in it.
array_udiff_assoc() The function computes the difference arrays from two or more arrays (Uses a user-defined comparison function).
array_udiff() Distinguishing between two or more arrays (Uses a user-defined comparison function).
array_uintersect_assoc() Compute the intersection of the array of keys for different values of two or more arrays (Uses a user-defined comparison function).
array_uintersect_uassoc() Computes the intersection of two arrays (Uses a user-defined comparison function).
array_uintersect() Compute the intersection of two or more arrays depending on the values (Compares values only).
array_unique() This function removes duplicate values from an array.
array_unshift() Elements are added to the beginning of the array.
array_values() Get an array of values from another array that may contain key-value pairs or just values.
array_walk_recursive() The array element's keys and values are parameters in the callback function (Applies a user function to every element recursively).
array_walk() It is a user-defined function to every element of the array.
array() This is used to create an array.
arsort() Sort an array according to values in descending order.
compact() Create an array using variables.
count() Count the current elements in the array.
current() Return the value of the element in an array which is the internal pointer.
end() Find the last element of the given array.
extract() The extract() function does array to variable conversion.
in_array() Check whether a given value exists in an array or not.
key() Return the index of the element of a given array to which is the internal pointer.
krsort() Sort an array by key in reverse order according to its index values.
ksort() Sort an array in ascending order according to its key values.
list() Assign array values to multiple variables at a time.
natcasesort() Sort an array by using a “natural order” algorithm (Case-insensitive).
natsort() Sort an array by using a “natural order”, it does not check the type of value for comparison
next() The next() function increments the internal pointer after returning the value.
pos() Return the value of the element in an array to which the internal pointer is currently pointing.
prev() Return the immediate previous element from an array.
range() Create an array of elements of any kind such as integers, alphabets within a given range.
reset() Move any array's internal pointer to the first element of that array.
rsort() Sort the array in descending order i.e, greatest to smallest.
shuffle() Shuffle or randomize the order of the elements in an array.
sizeof() Count the number of elements present in an array or any other countable object (Alias of count()).
sort() Sort an array in ascending order i.e, smaller to greater.
uasort() Sort an array such that array indices maintain their correlation with the array elements (Sorts by elements, preserving key-value pairs).
uksort() Sort an array according to the keys and not values using a user-defined comparison function.
usort() Sort arrays in an easier way. Here, we are going to discuss a new function usort() (Sorts by values).
each() Get the current element key-value pair of the given array to which the internal pointer is currently pointing

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