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SSH-MITM: Enhancing SSH Security with Advanced Auditing and Session Hijacking Tools

Learn how SSH-MITM enhances SSH security with session hijacking, honeypot redirection and auditing tools for malware analysis and security audits.

Introduction to SSH-MITM: A Tool for Security Audits and Malware Analysis

SSH-MITM is a powerful man-in-the-middle SSH server specifically designed for security audits and malware analysis. It offers unique features that make it an essential tool for cybersecurity professionals. Whether you're testing authentication protocols or studying malware behavior, SSH-MITM provides an array of functionalities to enhance SSH security and identify vulnerabilities.

SSH-MITM plays a crucial role in ensuring the security of SSH connections by allowing in-depth analysis and monitoring of network traffic.

Why is SSH-MITM Important?

As cyber threats continue to grow, ensuring the security of SSH (Secure Shell) connections has become critical. SSH-MITM helps security experts identify weaknesses in SSH protocols, making it a valuable asset for preventing unauthorized access and data breaches.

With features like public key authentication support and session redirection, SSH-MITM not only helps you monitor SSH sessions but also provides ways to enhance protection against cyber attacks.

Key Capabilities

SSH-MITM offers versatile features such as session logging, port forwarding, and even file transfer monitoring. These capabilities allow security professionals to examine every detail of SSH activity, ensuring that potential threats are spotted early.

It's important to note that SSH-MITM should only be used for authorized purposes and within controlled environments.

Enhancing Security with Honeypots

SSH-MITM has the ability to redirect unauthorized sessions to a honeypot, a decoy system set up to trap attackers. This is especially useful when dealing with unauthorized access attempts, helping administrators gather information on potential threats.

By redirecting suspicious SSH sessions to a honeypot, security teams can observe attacker behavior without compromising the actual network.

Using SSH-MITM without proper authorization can lead to severe legal consequences. Make sure you have permission to use this tool in your security audits.

Features and Uses of SSH-MITM

Key Features of SSH-MITM

SSH-MITM comes equipped with a wide range of features that make it an invaluable tool for security experts and malware analysts:

  • Authentication Support: SSH-MITM supports both password and public key authentication. It even allows you to authenticate using the same key as the destination server.
  • Phishing Detection: The tool can identify phishing attempts, especially those involving two-factor authentication codes.
  • Session Logging: It logs all session activities for detailed analysis, providing valuable insights into SSH traffic.
  • File Transfer Monitoring: SSH-MITM can monitor and even modify files being transferred during an SSH session.
  • Port Forwarding: The tool supports advanced port forwarding, making it easy to analyze data flow between client and server.
  • MOSH Interception: MOSH (Mobile Shell) allows fast connections over unstable networks, and SSH-MITM can intercept and analyze these connections.
  • Vulnerability Detection: It identifies security weaknesses in SSH clients, which helps in vulnerability assessments.
  • Plugin Support: SSH-MITM supports plugins for extended functionality, making it highly customizable.
These features enable comprehensive SSH monitoring and vulnerability detection, which are critical for cybersecurity audits and malware analysis.

Practical Uses of SSH-MITM

There are several key areas where SSH-MITM excels in terms of practical use:

  • Security Audits: SSH-MITM is perfect for performing security audits, helping identify issues with authentication methods or data transfer protocols.
  • Malware Analysis: Cybersecurity professionals can use SSH-MITM to study malware that uses SSH for communication, helping them understand how the malware operates.
  • Education and Training: The tool is useful for teaching cybersecurity students about real-world hacking techniques and how to defend against them.

Always ensure you have legal authorization to use SSH-MITM for these purposes. Unauthorized use can lead to severe consequences.

Installation of SSH-MITM

How to Install SSH-MITM

Installing SSH-MITM is straightforward, and there are multiple ways to do it, depending on your preferred method. Below are the most common installation methods for different platforms:

1. Install Using AppImage

To install SSH-MITM using the AppImage, follow these steps:

chmod +x ssh-mitm*.AppImage

This method is suitable for systems that support AppImage, providing a quick and portable installation process.

2. Install Using Flatpak

Flatpak users can install SSH-MITM directly from Flathub by running the following commands:

# install Flatpak
flatpak install flathub at.ssh_mitm.server

# run SSH-MITM from Flatpak
flatpak run at.ssh_mitm.server

This is an excellent option for those who prefer using containerized applications.

3. Install Using Snap

To install SSH-MITM using Snap, use the command below:

sudo snap install ssh-mitm

Snap packages provide easy installation and automatic updates, making it a convenient option for many users.

4. Install Using pip

For Python users, SSH-MITM can be installed using pip with this command:

python3 -m pip install ssh-mitm

Python's package management makes this a flexible installation option, particularly for developers.

Make sure to refer to the official SSH-MITM installation guide for more installation methods and additional details.

Starting SSH-MITM

How to Start the SSH-MITM Server

Once SSH-MITM is installed, you can start the server and establish a connection. Here's how to do it:

1. Start the SSH-MITM Server

To begin, you need to start the SSH-MITM server with the IP address of the remote host:

ssh-mitm server --remote-host 192.168.0.x

This command starts the server and points it to the remote host where it will intercept and analyze the SSH sessions.

2. Connect to SSH-MITM

After starting the server, you can connect to it via SSH by specifying the appropriate port, usually 10022:

ssh -p 10022 testuser@proxyserver

Once connected, SSH-MITM will authenticate and log the credentials. You can monitor the log output for verification that the remote authentication was successful.

Ensure you have permission to run this on any network to avoid legal issues.

Hijacking an SSH Terminal Session

How to Hijack an SSH Session Using SSH-MITM

One of the powerful features of SSH-MITM is the ability to hijack an SSH terminal session, allowing you to monitor or interact with both the original and hijacked sessions. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start the SSH-MITM Proxy Server

Begin by starting the SSH-MITM proxy server, which will act as a middleman between the client and the remote host:

ssh-mitm server --remote-host 192.168.0.x

Once the proxy server is running, it will be ready to intercept incoming SSH connections.

2. Connect to the Mirrorshell

When a client connects to the proxy server, SSH-MITM creates a mirrorshell on a specific port (e.g., 34463). You can connect to this mirrorshell with the following command:

ssh -p 34463

This allows you to interact with the session as if you were the original user.

3. Interact with the Hijacked Session

Once connected, you can execute commands in either the hijacked session or the original session, and the output will be visible in both:

# Run commands in the hijacked session
ls -la

This powerful feature can be useful for security audits and malware analysis but should be used responsibly and legally.

This feature is for educational and authorized testing purposes only. Unauthorized use could lead to serious legal consequences.

Public Key Authentication and Honeypot Redirection

Understanding Public Key Authentication with SSH-MITM

SSH-MITM supports public key authentication, which is an essential security feature for verifying the identity of users on remote servers. When the user can authenticate via a public key, SSH-MITM can mirror this process seamlessly. If not, it falls back to password authentication, ensuring flexibility during the audit process.

1. Checking Public Key Authentication

To verify if public key authentication is possible, SSH-MITM first checks whether the user can log in using their public key on the remote server:

ssh-mitm server --enable-auth-fallback

When public key authentication is unavailable, the session will automatically revert to password authentication, providing a backup method for the connection.

2. Redirecting to a Honeypot

If public key authentication fails and no agent is forwarded, SSH-MITM can redirect the session to a honeypot, which is a decoy server designed for trapping and analyzing malicious activity. Here's the command to enable this redirection:

ssh-mitm server --enable-auth-fallback \
--fallback-host HONEYPOT \
--fallback-username HONEYPOT_USER \
--fallback-password HONEYPOT_PASSWORD

In this setup, SSH-MITM forwards the connection to the honeypot, where you can safely observe or analyze any malicious behavior.

Ensure that you have set up the honeypot server correctly before enabling redirection.

3. Agent Forwarding for Full Authentication

For a complete login to the remote server using public key authentication, an agent needs to be forwarded. If no agent is forwarded, SSH-MITM automatically redirects the connection to the honeypot.

Redirecting to a honeypot should only be done with proper authorization to avoid legal issues.


SSH-MITM is a robust tool designed for enhancing SSH security, making it highly valuable for security audits, malware analysis, and training purposes.

With its ability to handle both password and public key authentication, session hijacking, and honeypot redirection, SSH-MITM provides a comprehensive solution for understanding potential vulnerabilities and preventing unauthorized access. By leveraging these advanced features, security professionals can strengthen their SSH security posture and protect their networks from potential threats.

Key Takeaways

  • SSH-MITM supports various authentication methods, including public key and password authentication.
  • It enables session hijacking for auditing purposes, allowing for in-depth security checks.
  • SSH-MITM can redirect failed login attempts to a honeypot for further analysis.
  • The tool's session logging, file transfer monitoring, and plugin support enhance its capabilities.

Ensure you use SSH-MITM responsibly and only in environments where you have explicit authorization to conduct security testing or audits.

Unauthorized use of SSH-MITM for intercepting SSH traffic can lead to severe legal consequences.


What is SSH-MITM used for?

SSH-MITM is used for security audits and malware analysis by intercepting and analyzing SSH sessions. It supports authentication methods, session hijacking, and redirection to honeypots.

How do I install SSH-MITM?

SSH-MITM can be installed using various methods, including AppImage, Flatpak, Snap, or pip. Follow the respective installation commands provided in the installation guide.

Can SSH-MITM handle both public key and password authentication?

Yes, SSH-MITM supports both public key and password authentication. It will fall back to password authentication if public key authentication is not available.

What should I do if I need to redirect a session to a honeypot?

To redirect a session to a honeypot, use the command with the appropriate options for fallback host, username, and password. Ensure your honeypot server is properly configured before enabling redirection.

Is it legal to use SSH-MITM for security testing?

SSH-MITM should only be used with explicit authorization for security testing or auditing. Unauthorized use for intercepting SSH traffic could lead to serious legal consequences.

SSH-MITM is a man-in-the-middle SSH server designed for security audits and malware analysis. It supports both password and public key authentication, with the ability to detect if a user can log in using public key authentication on the remote server. This feature allows SSH-MITM to accept the same key as the destination server. If public key authentication is not possible, the authentication will fall back to password authentication. Additionally, when public key authentication is possible, a forwarded agent is needed to log in to the remote server. In cases where no agent was forwarded, SSH-MITM can redirect the session to a honeypot.

Features and Uses of SSH-MITM

SSH-MITM has many features that are helpful for checking security and looking at malware:


  • Authentication Support: It can handle different ways to prove who you are, like using a special key or a password. It can even use the same special key as the real server, so it fits in smoothly.
  • Phishing Detection: It can spot when someone tries to trick you into giving them a special code used for extra security, like with two-factor authentication.
  • Session Logging: It keeps track of everything that happens during a session, so you can study it closely.
  • File Transfer Monitoring: It can watch and change files being moved during certain operations, letting you see what's going on and maybe switch them for harmless ones.
  • Port Forwarding: It can deal with requests to move data from one place to another, including some fancy ways to do it. This helps you look at data going back and forth.
  • MOSH Interception: It can deal with a tool called MOSH that makes things faster when using SSH over shaky networks.
  • Vulnerability Detection: It can look at how safe a client is against known problems with SSH, which helps find weak spots.
  • Plugin Support: You can add extra features using plugins, so it can do even more stuff.


  • Security Audits: It's good for people who check how safe servers are, to find any problems with how they check who's who or move files around.
  • Malware Analysis: It helps experts understand and deal with harmful software that uses SSH to talk to bad guys. This helps figure out how the bad software works and how to stop it.
  • Education and Training: It's useful for teaching about real hacking and how to stop it, so people can learn how to stay safe.

Important Note:

Remember, SSH-MITM is a strong tool and should only be used by people who are allowed to, and in places where it's controlled. Using it to mess with real SSH traffic without permission can cause big trouble.

SSH-MITM - ssh audits Tutorial

Installation of SSH-MITM

This section of the documentation discusses the installation process for SSH-MITM. The initial step in using any software package is ensuring it is correctly installed. 

To install SSH-MITM, execute one of the following commands in your preferred terminal:


Download the AppImage file and make it executable:

chmod +x ssh-mitm*.AppImage


Install SSH-MITM as a Flatpak from Flathub:

# install Flatpak
flatpak install flathub at.ssh_mitm.server

# run SSH-MITM from Flatpak
flatpak run at.ssh_mitm.server


Install SSH-MITM using Snap:

sudo snap install ssh-mitm


Install SSH-MITM using pip:

python3 -m pip install ssh-mitm

For more installation methods, refer to the installation guide.


To start the SSH-MITM server and connect to it, follow these steps:

1. Start the SSH-MITM server with the remote host's IP address:

ssh-mitm server --remote-host 192.168.0.x

2. Connect to the SSH-MITM server using SSH, specifying the port 10022:

ssh -p 10022 testuser@proxyserver

You will see the credentials in the log output, indicating a successful remote authentication.

Hijack a SSH terminal session

To hijack a SSH terminal session using SSH-MITM, follow these steps:

1. Start the SSH-MITM proxy server:

ssh-mitm server --remote-host 192.168.0.x

2. When a client connects, the SSH-MITM proxy server will create a mirrorshell on a port (e.g., 34463). Connect to this mirrorshell using your SSH client:

ssh -p 34463

3. After you are connected, you can execute commands in either the hijacked session or the original session, and the output will be shown in both sessions.

This allows you to interact with the hijacked session and execute commands.

Publickey authentication

SSH-MITM can verify if a user can log in using public key authentication on the remote server. If public key authentication is not possible, it falls back to password authentication. This verification step does not require a forwarded agent.

For a complete login on the remote server, agent forwarding is still needed. If no agent was forwarded, SSH-MITM can redirect the connection to a honeypot.

To enable this functionality, use the following command:

ssh-mitm server --enable-auth-fallback \
--fallback-host HONEYPOT \
--fallback-username HONEYPOT_USER \
--fallback-password HONEYPOT_PASSWORD


SSH-MITM is a powerful tool for security audits and analysis, offering a range of features to enhance SSH security. It provides capabilities for verifying authentication methods, session hijacking, and redirection to honeypots. By leveraging these features, users can enhance their SSH security posture and protect against potential threats.

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