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Learn How Hackers Use FB-HACK on Termux or Kali Linux to Access Facebook Accounts

Learn how hackers use FB-HACK on Termux/Kali Linux to access Facebook accounts and discover effective ways to protect your account from these attacks.

Today, I will show you how hackers use a tool called FB-HACK to access Facebook accounts using Termux or Kali Linux. It's surprising how little time it can take for hackers to break into your Facebook account. In this post, I will explain how a hacker can use FB-HACK to hack your account and provide solutions to protect yourself from this kind of attack. By understanding how hackers operate, you can take the necessary steps to keep your Facebook account safe. Let's get started!

Learn How Hackers Use FB-HACK on Termux or Kali Linux to Access Facebook Accounts

What is FB-HACK?

FB-HACK is a tool used by hackers to hack Facebook accounts on Termux or Kali Linux. This tool uses clever methods to find passwords for different accounts and can crack random accounts without needing wordlists. It also has built-in proxy support, making it hard to trace the hacker. FB-HACK works very quickly and allows hackers to easily create files with usernames or IDs. This tool is very dangerous, which is why it's important to know about it and take precautions to protect your account.

How Hackers Install FB-HACK in Termux or Kali Linux

Understanding how hackers install tools like FB-HACK can help you protect your Facebook account from unauthorized access. Here's a look at the process hackers follow to set up FB-HACK on Termux (an Android terminal emulator) and Kali Linux. By knowing these steps, you can better understand the risks and take preventive measures.


Termux is a powerful, command-based terminal used by hackers on Android devices. Here's how they install FB-HACK:

Update and Upgrade Termux Packages:

Hackers start by ensuring all packages are up to date:

apt update && apt upgrade

Install Python and Git:

Next, they install the necessary tools:

pkg install python

pkg install git

Clone the FB-HACK Repository:

They then download the FB-HACK tool from GitHub:

git clone

Navigate to the FB-HACK Directory:

Hackers move to the tool's directory:


Install Required Dependencies:

They install the dependencies needed for FB-HACK to run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the Tool:

Finally, they execute the tool:


After completing these steps, the Termux screen will show the FB-HACK interface.

FB-HACK in Termux

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Kali Linux

Here's how hackers install FB-HACK on Kali Linux, a popular Linux distribution used for penetration testing:

Update and Upgrade System Packages:

Hackers start by updating their system:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Install Python3 and Git:

They then install the required tools:

sudo apt install python3

sudo apt install git

Clone the FB-HACK Repository:

They download the FB-HACK tool from GitHub:

git clone

Navigate to the FB-HACK Directory:

Hackers move to the tool's directory:


Install Required Dependencies:

They install the dependencies using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the Tool:

Finally, they execute the tool:


After completing these steps, the Kali Linux screen will show the FB-HACK interface.

FB-HACK in kali linux

How to Protect Your Facebook Account from Being Hacked

Now that you understand how hackers can install FB-HACK and compromise your account, let's explore how you can protect yourself from these attacks. Here are some effective strategies to secure your Facebook account:

Use Strong and Unique Passwords

Create a strong and complex password for your Facebook account. It should include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays or common words. Additionally, don't reuse passwords from other accounts. For example, instead of using "John1234," opt for something like "J0hn#4cC0unt$!"

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Activate Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for your Facebook account. MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification (usually a code sent to your phone or email) in addition to your password. Even if someone gets hold of your password, they won't be able to access your account without the additional verification. For example, you can enable 2FA in Facebook settings by navigating to "Security and Login" and following the prompts.

Secure Your Email Account

Since your email is often used for password recovery, ensure your email account is secured with a strong password and 2FA. If hackers gain access to your email, they can easily reset your Facebook password and take over your account.

Regularly Review Connected Apps and Websites

Periodically check the list of apps and websites connected to your Facebook account. Remove any that you no longer use or don't recognize. This review reduces the potential attack surface and limits the exposure of your account. For instance, go to "Settings" > "Apps and Websites" to manage these connections.

Check Active Sessions and Log Out Remotely

Keep an eye on the active sessions in your Facebook settings. If you notice any unfamiliar devices or locations, you can log them out remotely. This vigilance ensures that only your authorized devices have access to your account. Navigate to "Settings" > "Security and Login" to review active sessions.

Adjust Privacy Settings

Review and customize your Facebook privacy settings—limit who can see your posts, personal information, and friend list. Be cautious about sharing personal details publicly. These settings help you control who has access to your information. For example, set your posts to be visible only to friends, and restrict who can send you friend requests.

Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi

Avoid using public Wi-Fi whenever possible, as it can expose you to man-in-the-middle attacks or malware distribution. If you must use public Wi-Fi, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection. For instance, VPNs like F-Secure VPN or AtlasVPN offer strong encryption to keep your data safe.

Learn to Recognize Phishing Scams

Be wary of any Facebook messages containing suspicious links, excessive spelling or grammatical errors, or that convey a sense of urgency. These could be phishing messages designed to trick you into clicking a malicious link and granting cybercriminals access to your account. For example, if you receive a message claiming your account will be disabled unless you click a link immediately, it's likely a scam.


That's all there is to it. You've learned how hackers use FB-HACK on Termux or Kali Linux to access Facebook accounts.

The good news is that while FB-HACK is a dangerous tool, you can still protect yourself from these hacking attempts by following the security tips shared in this post.

If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends so they can also protect their Facebook accounts from hackers.

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below. Stay safe online!

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