Easymap is a helpful tool in Kali Linux for mapping your network. It helps you
find and see how devices are connected. Here's a simple guide to installing
and using Easymap.
Uses and Features of Easymap
Easymap is a tool used for network mapping in Kali Linux. It offers several features and use cases, including:
1. Network Discovery: Easymap helps you discover devices connected to your network, including their IP addresses and MAC addresses.
2. Network Visualization: It provides a visual representation of your network layout, making it easier to understand how devices are connected.
3. Port Scanning: Easymap can perform port scans on devices in your network, allowing you to identify open ports and potential vulnerabilities.
4. OS Detection: It can detect the operating system running on each device in your network, helping you understand the environment better.
5. Service Enumeration: Easymap can enumerate services running on each device, providing information about the services and their versions.
6. Integration with Other Tools: Easymap can integrate with other tools in Kali Linux, such as Nmap, to enhance its functionality and provide more detailed information about your network.
Overall, Easymap is a versatile tool for network mapping and analysis in Kali Linux, providing valuable insights into your network's structure and potential security risks.
How to Install Easymap:
1. Install Easymap:
Open your terminal and go to the web server directory:
cd /var/www/html
Copy Easymap from GitHub:
sudo git clone https://github.com/davidwilson-85/easymap.git
Run the setup script:
sudo ./setup.sh
2. Set Permissions for Web Interface (if needed):
If you want to use Easymap on the web, change permissions for the Easymap
3. Sending Files:
To send files from your computer to Easymap, make sure the files and folder
have the right permissions. Use this command as an example, but replace the
DNS with your instance's DNS:
sudo scp -i dev/easymap.pem file1 file2 file3 ubuntu@ec2-35-167-94-173.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:/var/www/html/easymap/user_data
4. Retrieve Files from Instance:
To get files from Easymap to your computer, use this command, replacing the
DNS with your instance's DNS:
scp -i dev/easymap.pem ubuntu@ec2-35-167-94-173.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:/var/www/html/easymap/user_data /var/www/html/easymap2
Following these steps, you can easily install and use Easymap on Kali Linux to
map your network and manage your files.
Easymap is a great tool for mapping networks and managing files on Kali Linux.
By following the simple installation steps and using the commands provided,
you can efficiently map out your network and handle your files.