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PHP Ds\Queue Functions

Learn about DS\Queue in PHP! This guide covers its functions, usage examples, and how to install it, making FIFO operations easy in PHP 7.
A Queue is a simple data structure where the first item added is the first one removed, also known as First In First Out (FIFO).

PHP Ds\Queue Functions

Requirements: You need PHP 7 for the extension and compatibility.

Installation: The easiest way to install the data structure is by using the PECL extension.

pecl install ds


public Ds\Queue::functionname()

Example: Here’s how to use the `Ds\Queue::clear()` function in PHP:


// Create a new Queue
$q = new \Ds\Queue();

// Add items to the Queue

echo "Initial Queue:\n";
// Show the Queue

// Clear the Queue

echo "\nQueue after clearing:\n";



Initial Queue:
Ds\Queue Object
    [0] => One
    [1] => Two
    [2] => Three

Queue after clearing:
Ds\Queue Object

Complete list of data structure DS\Queue:

Ds\Queue Functions Description
allocate(size) Allocate memory for the queue to hold a specific number of elements (`size`). This pre-allocates space to potentially avoid performance overhead during insertions or removals.
capacity() Return the current maximum number of elements the queue can hold without needing reallocation.
clear() Remove all elements from the queue.
copy() Create a new queue that is a shallow copy of the original queue. Changes to the original queue will not be reflected in the copy, and vice versa.
count() Return the number of elements currently in the queue.
isEmpty() Check whether the queue is empty (contains no elements).
peek() Return the first element in the queue (same as get(0)). If the queue is empty, it may return an error or null value.
pop() Remove and return the first element from the queue. If the queue is empty, it may return an error or null value.
push(value) Add a new element to the end (back) of the queue.
toArray() Convert the queue to a regular PHP array. The elements will be in the same order they were inserted (First In First Out - FIFO).

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