Gmagick is a PHP extension that lets you create, change, and get information
about images using the GraphicsMagick API. It includes the Gmagick,
GmagickDraw, and GmagickPixel classes.
Here's an example of how to use the Gmagick::getpackagename() function in PHP:
Original Image:
PHP Code:
<?php // Create new Gmagick object $im = new Gmagick( ''); // Using getpackagename function echo $im->getpackagename(); ?>
The list of complete Gmagick Functions are given below:
Gmagick Functions | Description |
Gmagick::addImage() | Add a new image to the Gmagick object image list. |
Gmagick::addnoiseimage() | Add noise in a given image. |
Gmagick::annotateImage() | Annotates an image with text. |
Gmagick::blurimage() | Add blur filter to the image. |
Gmagick::borderImage() | Draw the border in an image. |
Gmagick::charcoalimage() | Rotate an image with given degrees (incorrect - charcoal creates a charcoal effect, not rotation). |
Gmagick::chopimage() | Remove the region of an image and trim it. |
Gmagick::clear() | Clear all resources associated to the Gmagick object. |
Gmagick::commentImage() | Add the comment in an image. |
Gmagick::cropimage() | Extracts the region of the image. |
Gmagick::cropthumbnailimage() | Creates a fixed size thumbnail image by scaling the image down. |
Gmagick::drawimage() | Render the GmagickDraw object on the current image. |
Gmagick::edgeimage() | Enhance the image edges using convolution filter of the given radius. |
Gmagick::embossimage() | Returns a grayscale image with a three-dimensional effect. |
Gmagick::enhanceimage() | Applies the digital filter to improve quality. |
Gmagick::equalizeimage() | Equalizes the histogram of an image. |
Gmagick::flipimage() | Creates a mirror image by reflecting the pixels along the x-axis. |
Gmagick::flopimage() | Creates a mirror image along the y-axis. |
Gmagick::gammaimage() | Corrects the image by providing the Gamma-correction. |
Gmagick::getcopyright() | Returns a string containing the current Gmagick API copyright. |
Gmagick::getimagechanneldepth() | Returns the depth for a particular image channel. |
Gmagick::getimagedepth() | Gets the depth of the image (image depth refers to the number of bits used to store color information for each pixel). |
Gmagick::getImageDispose() | Returns the image disposal method. |
Gmagick::getimageformat() | Returns the format of an image. |
Gmagick::getImageMatte() | Get the matte channel of an Gmagick object. |
Gmagick::getImageRenderingIntent() | Gets the image rendering intent. |
Gmagick::getimageresolution() | Gets the resolution of an image object. |
Gmagick::getimagescene() | Gets the image scene of an image. |
Gmagick::getimagesignature() | Generate an SHA-256 message digest for an image. |
Gmagick::getimageunits() | Gets the units of resolution of a particular image. |
Gmagick::getpackagename() | Gets the GraphicsMagick package name. |
Gmagick::getreleasedate() | Returns the GraphicsMagick release date as a string. |
Gmagick::getversion() | Returns the Gmagick API version. |
Gmagick::implodeimage() | Creates a new image that is a copy of an existing image. |
Gmagick::magnifyimage() | Scales an image to twice its original size. |
Gmagick::medianfilterimage() | Applies a digital filter to improve the quality of a noisy image. |
Gmagick::minifyimage() | Scales an image proportionally to half of its original size. |
Gmagick::modulateimage() | Control the brightness, saturation, and hue of an image. |
Gmagick::motionblurimage() | Simulates motion blur. |
Gmagick::normalizeimage() | Enhances the contrast of a color image by adjusting the color of the pixels to span the entire range of colors available. |
Gmagick::oilpaintimage() | Applies a special effect filter that simulates an oil painting. |
Gmagick::raiseimage() | Creates a simulated three-dimensional button-like effect by lightening and darkening the edges of the image. |
Gmagick::reducenoiseimage() | Sets smooth contours of an image while still preserving edge information. |
Gmagick::resampleimage() | Resample the image to the desired resolution. |
Gmagick::resizeimage() | Scales an image in given dimensions with a filter. |
Gmagick::rollimage() | Rotates the image pixels by a specified number of degrees. |
Gmagick::rotateimage() | Rotate an image by a specified number of degrees and fills the empty spaces with a given color. |
Gmagick::scaleimage() | Scales the size of an image to the given dimensions. |
Gmagick::setimageblueprimary() | Sets the blue primary point of the image. |
Gmagick::setimagechanneldepth() | Sets the depth of a particular image channel. |
Gmagick::setimagedepth() | Sets the depth of a particular image (image depth refers to the number of bits used to store color information for each pixel). |
Gmagick::setImageDispose() | Sets the image disposal method. |
Gmagick::setimagerenderingintent() | Sets the image rendering intent. |
Gmagick::setimageresolution() | Sets the resolution of an image object. |
Gmagick::shearimage() | Distorts an image by shearing it along its horizontal or vertical axis. |
Gmagick::solarizeimage() | Applies a solarizing effect to the image, inverting pixels below a threshold and vice versa. |
Gmagick::spreadimage() | Randomly displaces each pixel in a block defined by the radius parameter. |
Gmagick::stripimage() | Removes all profiles and comments from an image. |
Gmagick::swirlimage() | Swirls the pixels about the center of the image. |
Gmagick::textureimage() | Creates a new image by repeatedly tiling a texture image. |
Gmagick::thresholdimage() | Changes the pixel color based on the intensity of the pixel compared to a threshold value. |
Gmagick::thumbnailimage() | Creates a fixed-size thumbnail of the image. (deprecated - use cropthumbnailimage instead) |
Gmagick::tintimage() | Tints an image with a specific color. |