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Changing Numbers into Text in Python with num2words Library

Effortlessly convert numbers to words in Python with the num2words library. Save time with accurate and reliable conversions for various use cases.
Learn how to easily change numbers to words in Python with this beginner-friendly guide. Discover the num2words library for precise English word conversions of numeric values.

If you've ever worked with numerical data in Python and wanted to convert it into words for better readability or presentation, you may have written custom functions or algorithms to do so. However, Python developers have a convenient tool available – the num2words library – which simplifies the process of converting numbers into words. In this article, we'll explore how to effectively use the num2words library to effortlessly convert numbers to words in Python.

Changing Numbers into Text in Python with num2words Library

Introduction to num2words Library

The num2words library is a Python package that offers functions to convert numbers into their word forms. It comes in handy for financial applications, report generation, or any situation where you need to present numerical data in a more human-friendly way.

Installation of num2words Library

Before we start using the num2words library, we first need to install it. You can do this using pip, Python's package installer, with the following command:

pip install num2words

Converting Integers to Words

Let's begin by converting integers to words. With num2words, this task is quite straightforward. We can simply pass an integer to the num2words function, and it will give us the textual representation of that number.

from num2words import num2words

number = 12345
words = num2words(number)
print(words)  # Output: twelve thousand three hundred forty-five

Converting Floating-Point Numbers to Words

Similarly, num2words can handle floating-point numbers seamlessly. Whether it's a simple decimal or a complex floating-point number, num2words accurately converts it into words.

number = 123.45
words = num2words(number)
print(words)  # Output: one hundred twenty-three point four five

Full Numbers to Words Source Code

Here's the full source code for converting numbers to words in various formats and languages using the num2words library:

from num2words import num2words  # pip install num2words

num = int(input("Enter the number : "))

    f"{num} in normal format: {num2words(num)}"
    f"{num} in ordinal format: {num2words(num, to='ordinal')}"
    f"{num} in ordinal number format: {num2words(num, to='ordinal_num')}"
    f"{num} in year format: {num2words(num, to='year')}"
    f"{num} in currency format: {num2words(num, to='currency')}"

languages = {
    "en": "English",
    "ar": "Arabic",
    "cz": "Czech",
    "de": "German",
    "dk": "Danish",
    "es": "Spanish",
    "fr": "French",
    "he": "Hebrew",
    "id": "Indonesian",
    "it": "Italian",
    "ja": "Japanese",
    "kn": "Kannada",
    "ko": "Korean",
    "pt": "Portuguese",
    "ru": "Russian",
    "vi": "Vietnamese",
    "nl": "Dutch",
    "uk": "Ukrainian",
print("\nNumber word in different languages:\n")
for (
) in languages.items(): 
    print(f"{num} in {language_name} language is {num2words(num, lang=language_code)}")

This code takes a number as input and converts it into words in various formats and languages using the num2words library.

Explanation of Numbers to Words Source Code

1. Import the `num2words` function from the `num2words` library. This function converts numbers to their word representations.

2. Prompt the user to enter a number, convert it to an integer, and store it in the variable `num`.

3. Print the number in various formats using the `num2words` function:
  • `num2words(num)`: Normal format (e.g., "twelve thousand three hundred forty-five").
  • `num2words(num, to='ordinal')`: Ordinal format (e.g., "twelfth").
  •  `num2words(num, to='ordinal_num')`: Ordinal number format (e.g., "12th").
  • `num2words(num, to='year')`: Year format (e.g., "two thousand twenty-two").
  • `num2words(num, to='currency')`: Currency format (e.g., "twelve dollars and thirty-four cents").

4. Define a dictionary called `languages` mapping language codes to language names.

5. Iterate over the `languages` dictionary and print the number in each language using the `num2words` function with the `lang` parameter.

Benefits of Using num2words Library

Benefits of Using the num2words Library:

1. Saves time and effort: The library eliminates the need to write custom conversion algorithms, saving developers time and effort.

2. Accurate and reliable: num2words provides accurate and reliable conversion of numbers into words, ensuring correctness in word representations.

3. Flexibility: The library offers customization options for different use cases, allowing developers to format numbers into words based on specific requirements.

Don't Miss: Python Basics


The num2words library in Python is a valuable tool for converting numbers into words. It saves time and effort by providing accurate and reliable conversions without the need for custom algorithms. With its flexibility and customization options, num2words is a versatile solution for a variety of use cases where numerical data needs to be presented in a human-readable format.

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