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EvilURL: Generating Unicode Evil Domains for IDN Homograph Attack

EvilURL is a powerful tool used by hackers to create malicious URLs that appear similar to legitimate ones. These URLs are designed to trick users into clicking on them, leading to phishing attacks, data theft, or malware installation. In this post, we'll explore what EvilURL is, how it works, and how to install it for testing and educational purposes.

Uses and Features of EvilURL

Here are some of its uses and features:

1. Phishing Awareness: EvilURL can be used by security professionals and organizations to demonstrate how easy it is to create deceptive URLs that resemble legitimate ones, thus raising awareness about phishing threats among users.

2. Testing Security Measures: Security teams can utilize EvilURL to test the effectiveness of their organization's security measures, such as email filters and web filters, in detecting and blocking phishing attempts.

3. Education: EvilURL can be employed as an educational tool to teach individuals and organizations about the various techniques used by cybercriminals to trick users into divulging sensitive information.

4. Customization: The tool allows users to customize the generated phishing links by specifying parameters such as the target domain, the text displayed in the URL, and the redirection destination.

5. Automatic URL Encoding: EvilURL automatically encodes the generated URLs to bypass security measures that may attempt to detect and block phishing attempts based on known patterns.

6. Simple Interface: The tool features a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of generating phishing links, making it accessible even to users with limited technical expertise.

7. Open Source: EvilURL is an open-source tool, meaning its source code is freely available for inspection and modification, allowing security professionals to customize and improve its functionality.

8. Community Contributions: As an open-source project, EvilURL benefits from contributions from the security community, ensuring that it stays up-to-date with the latest phishing techniques and countermeasures.

9. Command Line Interface (CLI): EvilURL offers a command-line interface in addition to its graphical user interface, providing flexibility for users who prefer to work in a terminal environment.

Overall, EvilURL serves as a valuable tool for raising awareness about phishing attacks, testing security defenses, and educating individuals and organizations about the importance of vigilance in identifying and mitigating phishing threats. However, it should be used responsibly and ethically, with proper authorization and consent obtained before conducting any tests or demonstrations.

What is EvilURL?

EvilURL is a tool that generates unicode domain names for IDN homograph attacks. IDN homograph attacks exploit the fact that many characters look alike (homographs), allowing attackers to create URLs that visually resemble legitimate domains. For example, a malicious URL might use a Cyrillic "а" instead of a Latin "a", making it difficult for users to distinguish between the two.

How does EvilURL work?

EvilURL works by converting a given domain name into its unicode representation, which can include characters from different scripts (such as Cyrillic, Greek, or Arabic). It then generates a list of visually similar domain names that can be used in phishing attacks. For example, the domain "" could be represented as "ехамрӏе.сом" using Cyrillic characters, which looks very similar to the original domain.

Installing EvilURL:

To install EvilURL, follow these steps:

1. Open a terminal on your Linux system.
2. Install Git and Python3 if you haven't already:

apt install git
apt install python3

3. Clone the EvilURL repository from GitHub:

git clone

4. Navigate into the EvilURL directory:

cd EvilURL

5. Run the EvilURL script:


Using EvilURL:

EvilURL is a powerful tool, but it should only be used for educational and testing purposes. Using it for malicious purposes is illegal and unethical. When testing EvilURL, always use it on your own systems or with explicit permission from the system owner.

EvilURL is a tool that highlights the importance of being cautious when clicking on links, especially in emails or messages from unknown sources. By generating visually similar domain names, attackers can easily deceive users into visiting malicious websites. As users, it's essential to stay vigilant and verify the authenticity of URLs before clicking on them.

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  1. python3
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